North Western Region

North Western Region

North Western Region

How can I find a phone number in the North Western Region of Ethiopia  -

How can I find a phone number in the North Western Region of Ethiopia

Mobile Telephone numbers in North Western, Ethiopia
Prefix and area codes of North Western in Ethiopia - List of City Codes of North Western Region
How can I find a phone number in North Western, Ethiopia? The code of North Western, Ethiopia is (+251)
News in North Western, Ethiopia - Latest News Phones in North Western, Ethiopia - Search Phones in the North Western Region of Ethiopia
Phone - Numbering Plan for PSTN Services in North Western Region and its surroundings
List of AREA CODES in North Western - Area name - Code and number in North Western Region
Numbering Plan for WLL Services in the North Western Region of Ethiopia -
Phone Numbers in the North Western Region of Ethiopia
North Western Region - LIST OF AREA CODES by Area name, Code and number
North Western Region - LIST OF AREA CODES by Area name, Code and number
Gonder 058 111XXXX
Azezo 058 114XXXX
Gilgel Beles 058 119XXXX
Bahir-dar I 058 220XXXX
Dangla 058 221XXXX
Durbette/ Abcheklite 058 223XXXX
Gimjabetmariam 058 224XXXX
Chagni/Metekel 058 225XXXX
Bahirdar II 058 226XXXX
Enjibara Kosober 058 227XXXX
Tilili 058 229XXXX
Merawi 058 330XXXX
Metema 058 331XXXX
Maksegnit 058 332XXXX
Chilga 058 333XXXX
Chewahit 058 334XXXX
Kola-deba 058 335XXXX
Delgi 058 336XXXX
Adet 058 338XXXX
Ebinat 058 440XXXX
Debre-tabour 058 441XXXX
Hamusit 058 443XXXX
Addis zemen 058 444XXXX
Nefas mewcha 058 445XXXX
Worota 058 446XXXX
Mekane-eyesus 058 447XXXX
Teda 058 448XXXX
Pawe 058 550XXXX
Motta 058 661XXXX
Keraniyo 058 662XXXX
Debre-work 058 663XXXX
Gunde-woin 058 664XXXX
Bichena 058 665XXXX
Mankusa 058 770XXXX
Debre-Markos I 058 771XXXX
Lumame 058 772XXXX
Denbecha 058 773XXXX
Bure 058 774XXXX
Finote-selam 058 775XXXX
Dejen 058 776XXXX
Amanuel 058 777XXXX
Debre Markos II 058 778XXXX
Jiga 058 779XXXX
Ethiopia North Western Region 2024
Proportion of stillbirth and associated factors among women who deliver at public hospitals in Bahir Dar city, north-West ... BioMed Central
Ethiopia’s army accused of committing war crimes in Amhara region Al Jazeera English
Assessment and map of geotourism potential sites in Amhara Regional State, Northwestern Ethiopia
Ethiopia: EPO Weekly Update (30 April 2024) - Ethiopia ReliefWeb