South Western

South Western

South Western

How can I find a phone number in the South Western Region of Ethiopia  -

How can I find a phone number in the South Western Region of Ethiopia

Mobile Telephone numbers in South Western, Ethiopia
Prefix and area codes of South Western in Ethiopia - List of City Codes of South Western Region
How can I find a phone number in South Western, Ethiopia? The code of South Western, Ethiopia is (+251)
News in South Western, Ethiopia - Latest News - Phones in South Western, Ethiopia - Search Phones in the South Western Region of Ethiopia
Phone - Numbering Plan for PSTN Services in South Western Region and its surroundings
List of AREA CODES in South Western - Area name - Code and number in South Western Region
Numbering Plan for WLL Services in the South Western Region of Ethiopia -
Phone Numbers in the South Western Region of Ethiopia
South Western Region - LIST OF AREA CODES by Area name, Code and number
Jimma I 047 111XXXX
Jimma II 047 112XXXX
Serbo 047 113XXXX
Assendabo 047 114XXXX
Omonada 047 115XXXX
Seka 047 116XXXX
Sekoru 047 117XXXX
Shebe 047 118XXXX
WLL-Jimma 047 119XXXX
Agaro 047 221XXXX
Ghembo 047 222XXXX
Dedo 047 223XXXX
Limmu Genet 047 224XXXX
Haro 047 225XXXX
Yebu 047 226XXXX
Atnago 047 228XXXX
Ghembe 047 229XXXX
Bonga 047 331XXXX
Yayo 047 333XXXX
Maji 047 334XXXX
Mizan Teferi 047 335XXXX
Aman 047 336XXXX
Chora 047 337XXXX
Metu 047 441XXXX
Dembi 047 443XXXX
Darimu 047 444XXXX
Bedele 047 445XXXX
Hurumu 047 446XXXX
Gambela 047 551XXXX
Itang 047 552XXXX
Jikawo 047 553XXXX
Gore 047 554XXXX
Tepi 047 556XXXX
Macha 047 558XXXX
Abebo 047 559XXXX
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