South Region

South Region

South Region

How can I find a phone number in the South Region of Ethiopia  -

Phones in South Region, Ethiopia

Mobile Telephone numbers in South Region in Ethiopia
Prefix and area codes of South in Ethiopia - List of City Codes of South Region Ethiopia
How can I find a phone number in South Region, Ethiopia? The code of South Region, Ethiopia is (+251)
News in South Region, Ethiopia - Latest News Phones in South Region, Ethiopia - Search Phones in South Region, Ethiopia
Phone - Numbering Plan for PSTN Services in South Region and its surroundings
List of AREA CODES in South Region - Area name - Code and number in the South Region of Ethiopia
Numbering Plan for WLL Services in the South Region of Ethiopia -
Phone Numbers in the South Region of Ethiopia
South Region - LIST OF AREA CODES by Area name, Code and number
Shashamane I 046 110XXXX
Shashamane II 046 111XXXX
Kofele 046 112XXXX
Wondo Kela 046 114XXXX
Butajira 046 115XXXX
Arsi Negele 046 116XXXX
Adame Tulu 046 117XXXX
Kuyera 046 118XXXX
WLL-Shasemene 046 119XXXX
Awassa I 046 220XXXX
Awassa II 046 221XXXX
Wonda Basha 046 222XXXX
Aleta Wondo 046 224XXXX
Yirgalem 046 225XXXX
Leku 046 226XXXX
Chuko 046 227XXXX
Dilla 046 331XXXX
Yirga-Chefe 046 332XXXX
Wonago 046 333XXXX
Shakiso 046 334XXXX
Kibre-Mengist 046 335XXXX
Ziway 046 441XXXX
Hagere Mariam 046 443XXXX
Moyale 046 444XXXX
Negele Borena 046 445XXXX
Yabello 046 446XXXX
Dolo Odo 046 449XXXX
Wollayta 046 551XXXX
Durame 046 554XXXX
Hossena 046 555XXXX
Alaba Kulito 046 556XXXX
Enseno 046 558XXXX
Boditi 046 559XXXX
Kebado 046 660XXXX
Werabe 046 771XXXX
Gidole 046 774XXXX
Sawla 046 777XXXX
Arba Minch 046 881XXXX
Kibet 046 882XXXX
Buii 046 883XXXX
Arbaminch-WLL 046 884XXXX
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