North East Region

North East Region

North East Region

How can I find a phone number in the North East Region of Ethiopia  -

How can I find a phone number in the North East Region of Ethiopia

Mobile Telephone numbers in North East, Ethiopia
Prefix and area codes of North East in Ethiopia - List of City Codes of North East Region
How can I find a phone number in North East, Ethiopia? The code of North East, Ethiopia is (+251)
News in North East, Ethiopia - Latest News - Phones in North East, Ethiopia - Search Phones in the North East Region of Ethiopia
Phone - Numbering Plan for PSTN Services in North East Region and its surroundings
List of AREA CODES in North East - Area name - Code and number in North East Region
Numbering Plan for WLL Services in the North East Region of Ethiopia -
Phone Numbers in the North East Region of Ethiopia
North East-Region - LIST OF AREA CODES by Area name - Code and number
Kabe 033 110XXXX
Dessie I 033 111XXXX
Dessie II 033 112XXXX
Kobo Robit 033 113XXXX
Akesta 033 114XXXX
Wore-ilu 033 116XXXX
Tenta 033 117XXXX
Senbete 033 118XXXX
Mekana Selam 033 220XXXX
Bistima 033 221XXXX
Hayk 033 222XXXX
Mille 033 223XXXX
Wuchale 033 224XXXX
Elidar 033 225XXXX
Jama 033 226XXXX
Sirinka 033 330XXXX
Woldia 033 331XXXX
Mersa 033 333XXXX
Kobo 033 334XXXX
Lalibela 033 336XXXX
Bure 033 338XXXX
Manda 033 339XXXX
Sekota 033 440XXXX
Ansokia 033 444XXXX
Logia 033 550XXXX
Kombolcha 033 551XXXX
Harbu 033 552XXXX
Bati 033 553XXXX
Kemise 033 554XXXX
Assayta 033 555XXXX
Dupti 033 556XXXX
Majate 033 660XXXX
Epheson 033 661XXXX
Shoa Robit 033 664XXXX
Semera 033 666XXXX
Decheotto 033 667XXXX
Ethiopia North East Region 2024
Lake Abbe in northeast Ethiopia •
Malaria surveillance, outbreak investigation, response and its determinant factors in Waghemra Zone, Northeast ...
Exploring the health consequences of armed conflict: the perspective of Northeast Ethiopia, 2022: a qualitative study ... ReliefWeb
(PDF) Determinants of Rural Out-Migration in Habru District of Northeast Ethiopia ResearchGate